Looking at some of the online activity in the dog and animal advocacy and rescue, those who are most dedicated, passionate & at the same time levelheadedĀ seem to do well – as do those who are able to work together with others, combining different talents and abilities, able to form a successful team and access resources. While I am not sure how well things will go in the latter part, I am surely willing to give it my best shot with the work and team part. However, it is really the animals and the help they are given which seems to touch most hearts. Locally, there is the shelter Skye was in with totally dedicated staff. Sammie’s Friends used to work with a dog trainer who I called who in turn recommended Beverley.

It does help to have someone around who actually works with the shelter dogs for evaluation as well as rehab. We are in a small town in Northern California. A local doggie-rehab center is still in the making as of the time of this writing – in the meantime, many dogs stay at Beverley’s house with her pack. Who does this in your area at your closest shelter? If there isn’t anyone – have you considered becoming a dog trainer?
As you may imagine, some dogs have had a hard life and developed some not so sociable habits, usually out of fear. Sometimes dogs need to go somewhere where they can learn to be dogs again – Sammie’s Pit Stop is such a place in the making – In Nevada County, Northern California – built to work with Sammie’s Friends shelter in Grass Valley. At the Pit Stop they will work with Beverley Mercier Ward and her doggie co-trainers Jack, Taz, Duke and Smoke.
Find out more of Sammie’s Pit Stop and Beverley’sĀ Walkabout Ranch here.
Sammie’s Pit Stop progress photo from Beverley February 2012
Here’s a video made October 31, 2011 on the progress.