BSL stands for Breed-Specific Legislation and bans or restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance because they are perceived as “dangerous” breeds or types of dogs.
A breed ban usually requires that Continue reading What is BSL?
BSL stands for Breed-Specific Legislation and bans or restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance because they are perceived as “dangerous” breeds or types of dogs.
A breed ban usually requires that Continue reading What is BSL?
To speak with the Tails of Hope Dog Rescue comment on the video below:
“Thinking of adopting a rescue dog? GREAT! Have you thought about Continue reading The Apology
Watching this video can be an eye opener to the situation that is the fate of millions of shelters animals each year in the USA alone. This is why the animals need your help. This is why the people in the shelters need our help. This is why we need no more puppy mills. Consider supporting a no kill shelter. Support spay and neuter programs…. there are so many ways to get involved. Continue reading What you don’t see at the pound – Euthanasia truths
This video shows the extent of the situation of animals in shelters in this country. Don’t close your heart – while this is a relatively gentle compared to what is out there, make sure any young children are tucked away for the night. And remember: you can make a difference Continue reading The truth of shelter fate – This can’t be happening
WARNING – GLASS WALLS = you can see through it. This is graphic and difficult to watch – if you can can stay present and feel. Don’t show this to your children.
It illustrates however that the plight of dogs is but the tip of an iceberg and that there is a much more fundamental problem we are facing.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Mahatma Gandhi
Sir Paul McCartney (yes, one of the Beatles): Continue reading Glass Walls – A Video Exposé